The future state you are looking to create.
The fundamental reason for your existence.
Enduring principles to live by.
Essential elements in realizing our vision.
Consultations report.
Read the full version of the strategic plan.
The future state you are looking to create.
The fundamental reason for your existence.
Enduring principles to live by.
Essential elements in realizing our vision.
Read the full version of the strategic plan.
The future state you are looking to create.
À la municipalité de Chelsea, nous croyons que la nature n’est pas simplement une ressource, mais un trésor à chérir et à protéger pour les générations à venir. Nous croyons que lorsque nous accordons la priorité à la santé et au bien-être de notre environnement, nous créons aussi une communauté plus saine et plus vibrante. Nous savons que notre environnement a un impact profond sur notre bien-être physique, émotionnel et mental. Nous nous engageons à tout mettre en œuvre pour le protéger et le préserver , en réduisant notre empreinte carbone dans nos foyers, nos entreprises et nos écoles.
Au cœur de la vision de Chelsea se trouve un profond engagement à favoriser une communauté connectée. Nous croyons qu’en nous rassemblant, nous sommes plus résilients et mieux équipés pour affronter les défis qui se présentent à nous. Nous savons que des petits moments de connexion peuvent avoir un impact profond. En regardant vers l’avenir, nous nous engageons à construire une communauté encore plus étroitement liée, qui puise sa force des résidents qui y habitent. Parce que lorsque nous sommes connectés, rien ne nous arrête.
Here in Chelsea, we understand that our natural environment is not just a resource to be exploited, but a treasure to be cherished and protected for generations to come. We believe that when we prioritize the health and wellbeing of our natural surroundings, we are also creating a healthier and more vibrant community. We know that our surroundings have a profound impact on our physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. We are committed to doing everything in our power to protect and preserve it, from reducing our carbon footprint to promoting regenerative practices in our homes, businesses, and schools.
At the heart of Chelsea's vision is a deep commitment to fostering a connected community. We believe that when we come together, we are stronger, more resilient, and better equipped to face the challenges that lie ahead. We know that small moments of connection can have a profound impact. As we look to the future, we are committed to shaping a community that is even more tightly knit, one that draws strength from its natural setting and the people who call it home. Because when we are connected, we are unstoppable.
We understand that true sustainability requires us to not only minimize harm but actively regenerate and restore the natural systems that sustain us. This means promoting regenerative practices that help us create a community that is healthy, vibrant, and abundant. For example, we prioritize renewable energy systems, sustainable transportation and green infrastructure. By implementing regenerative practices, we are creating a community that is not just sustainable, but has a positive impact across the municipality.
The fundamental reason for your existence.
We believe that working alongside our community means being present for our residents, listening to their needs, and working collaboratively to foster a strong, inclusive and vibrant community.
C’est un engagement à long terme.
We are committed to providing services that promote the well-being of our community.
It is at the heart of why we exist.
The fundamental reason for your existence.
Nous croyons que soutenir notre communauté signifie être présent pour nos résidents, être à l’écoute de leurs besoins et travailler en collaboration pour créer une communauté forte et dynamique.
C’est un engagement à long terme.
We are committed to providing services that are ethical, respectful and sustainable for our community.
Nous estimons que Chelsea a tellement à offrir, tant par sa beauté naturelle, sa culture unique ou son esprit communautaire.
Peu importe ce qui vous a attiré à Chelsea, nous nous engageons à vous aider à en faire l’expérience complète.
Enduring principles to live by.
Nous croyons que chacun d’entre nous a le pouvoir de faire une différence positive dans le monde, que ce soit par de petites actions quotidiennes ou des projets d’envergure.
We are committed to taking local initiatives and implementing concrete changes to improve our community.
We're proud to be part of a committed municipality that's ready to take on challenges, and work together to create a better future for everyone.
We understand that to meet the needs of our community, it's important to listen to our residents.
Nous sommes engagés à créer des espaces de dialogue et de collaboration.
We believe that listening and understanding the needs are key to creating a united and harmonious community.
Nous sommes engagés à agir de manière éthique et responsable envers nos parties prenantes, et ce avec empathie, transparence et respect.
We take pride in our actions to meet the needs of our residents, reduce our ecological footprint, and support local and social projects.
We believe that social responsibility is a key element in creating a sustainable and resilient community.
Enduring principles to live by.
We believe that each and every one of us has the power to make a positive difference in the world, whether through small everyday actions or large-scale projects.
We are committed to taking local initiatives and implementing concrete changes to improve our community.
We're proud to be part of a committed municipality that's ready to take on challenges, and work together to create a better future for everyone.
We understand that to meet the needs of our community, it's important to listen to our residents.
We are committed to creating spaces for dialogue and collaboration.
We believe that listening and understanding the needs are key to creating a united and harmonious community.
We are committed to acting ethically and responsibly towards our stakeholders, with empathy, transparency and respect.
We take pride in our actions to meet the needs of our residents, reduce our ecological footprint, and support local and social projects.
We believe that social responsibility is a key element in creating a sustainable and resilient community.
Core areas of focus to achieve our vision,
mission and strategic priorities.
Core areas of focus to achieve our vision,
mission and strategic priorities.
Favoriser une communauté unique et durable où les résidents peuvent profiter d’un mode de vie naturel en harmonie avec l’environnement.
C’est un endroit où l’on peut ralentir et se reconnecter avec la nature, tout en adoptant un mode de vie sain et actif.
Chelsea vise à être un village progressiste et inclusif qui reste fidèle à ses racines rurales, offrant des opportunités d’écotourisme et de développement de l’économie locale.